Are you a golfer? Fly fisher? Skier? If you are, you watch the weather. If it is questionable you will probably do what most of us do, search through all the weather channels until you find a forecast you like!
That is where we are with the Covid business at the moment. As we surf through the TV channels we are subjected to experts on all fronts, each with a slightly differing opinion. What we think we know is this: Canada got off to a slow start with the vaccine purchases and roll-out but with four companies in the game at the moment, there is a chance we are going to catch up relatively quickly. On the optimistic side, where we like to park ourselves, all Canadians wanting a vaccine may be done by 1 July, 2021. As well, on the happy front, there is a 90% recovery rate for folks who have contracted the virus. With the recovered folks and the vaccine in Canadian arms, our Tattoo dates of 23 and 24 July are looking good. The Okanagan Military Tattoo (OMT) Organizing Committee is busy making all sorts of plans for all kinds of options. We continue to be optimistic and are confident Canadians will move forward in an educated and safe manner.
Regarding the OMT Massed Pipe Bands, we mentioned last week that we are ready to help out pipers and wanna-be pipers get prepared to join us at some future Tattoo. Next week we will guide you through the process of on-line learning that will get you ready.