The title of our event, the Okanagan Military Tattoo, will lead you to believe that there may be a military flavour to our show. And indeed there is. We are most fortunate to be able to honour those who serve, those who have served and those who may serve.
The British Columbia Dragoons are a Canadian Armed Forces Primary Reserve unit headquatered in our valley, Penticton to Salmon Arm and are an armoured reconnaissance unit. The BCD started out as the Canadian Mounted Rifles in 1908, became BC Horse a short time later and over time morphed into the BC Dragoons. They will have a presence at our 2019 Tattoo with personnel and vehicles.
Headquartered in Vernon is the Vernon Army Cadet Camp. Historical reports have the first cadets training in Vernon as early as 1908. The Vernon Army Cadet Camp is a major feature in Vernon and hosts some 1500 cadets each summer. We will have up to 200 of these cadets in our 2019 show, some with the music program, some with the ceremonial drill team and the rest as an honour guard for the flag party and the Tribute to the Veterans.
The Tattoo has made a commitment to the Legion, the Army, Navy, Air Force Veterans Association as well as all veterans, that we will devote a big part of our Tattoo to a Tribute to the Veterans. The Royal Winnipeg Rifles Band will be the anchor to our 2019 Tribute
With these three special groups, we do take pride in honouring and respecting them. We invite you to join us.