The Okanagan Military Tattoo has put on shows from 2014 through 2019. We have been able to make a small profit and each year have been able to help local music and dance groups with recruiting and programming with much needed funds. Over the six years, this has amounted to close to $20,000. We expect to continue this very worthwhile exercise and even increase our efforts.
A big part of our annual show is the Massed Pipe Bands. This part of the program brings the six to eight individual pipe bands together for spectacular sights and sounds. To this point, pipers in the Massed Pipe Bands have been members of the invited pipe bands. We want to expand this opportunity to individual pipers not affiliated with a band. As long as you qualify and prove to the Pipe Major of the OMT Massed Pipe Bands that you can play the required tunes, there will be a limited number of spots available each year. Are you a “lone piper”, are you a piper in training or even a “wanna be piper” that could use the goal of being in the Massed Pipe Bands of the Okanagan Military Tattoo (OMT) as an incentive? We will be ble to help. Check out our web site and the Sponsors under the Show link for Dojo University. As well, watch these BLOGS for more information.