Two upcoming events we want to bring to your attention: Friday, March 25th at the Vernon and District Performing Arts Center the Honour Cadets of British Columbia will be performing a FREE concert. These very fine musicians are worth watching and listening to and bring the whole family! Brass and Reeds plus Pipes and Drums. Many of these musicians will be attending the Vernon Army Cadet Camp this summer and will be per4forming in the Okanagan Military Tattoo 2016, July 23 and 24. The other related event is April 9th, 2016, again at the Vernon and District Performing Arts Center: The Kalamalka Highlanders Pipe Band will be inviting their piping friends from around the valley plus dancers plus other performers for a Celtic evening of fun, good music and great dancing. Many of these musicians and dancers will also be performing in the Okanagan Military Tattoo 2016 as well.
The Tattoo fun never ends
by Norm Crerar | Feb 28, 2016 | News